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14 Twitterers You Have To Follow To Stay On Top Of The Drought

china corn
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The drought and heatwave in the Midwest have lowered yields of corn, soybeans and wheat and sent crop prices soaring.

For those who want updates live and directly from the ground (from the farm and from the trading pits) we've assembled some of the best follows on Twitter:

Byrne Investments: Handle @Byrne_Invest | Description: The twitter account of Byrne Investment Services, a commodity brokerage with 16 years experience managing agricultural and speculative accounts.

Tony Rohrs: Handle @TonyRohrs | Description: Rohrs owns and operates Rohrs Brothers, a family owned and operated farm in Northwest Ohio. He also owns Agri Management Group LLC a company and is a commodity trader.

Knutson Farms: Handle @KnutsonFarms | Description: Commodities, farming, and economics

Cornbroker21: Handle @Cornbroker21 | Description: Farm hedger

Ken Morrison: Handle @morrisonmkts | Description: Morrison is a commodities trader and pens the commodity newsletter Morrison on The Markets

Doug Bartlett: Handle @Grainmonster | Description: Offers farm risk management through Midwest Farm Services

Thomas Grisafi: Handle @IndianaGrainCo | Description: Farmer, trader, speculator. Not a Broker Not an Analyst

Julianna Johnston: Handle @JuliJohnston | Description: "Farm girl" who also acts as an advocate, analyst and journalist for Pro Farmer

Rob Levy: Handle @robbylevy | Description: Agricultural commodity options / futures trader at CBOT

Cory Ritter: Handle @CoryRitter | Description: Ritter is a farmer and has a corn and soybean farm in central Illinois

Tregg Cronin: Handle @tmcronin31 | Description: Market analyst for Country Hedging Inc., a subsidiary of CHS Inc.

Katie Micik: Handle @KatieMDTN | Decription: DTN Markets editor, tweets about all things ag.

Chris Barron: Handle @chrisbarron24 | Description: Corn and soybean producer, blogger for AgWeb, and agricultural business consultant

Eric Wilkinson: Handle @Wolfmansblog | Description: An independent floor trader, CNBC on air Consultant, and Venture Capitalist.

Note: Thanks to Knutson Farms and Thomas Grisafi for recommending other twitter handles.

Don't Miss: Photos Of The Drought That's Devastating America's Farmland >

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