Hunter Walker was Business Insider's politics editor and senior political correspondent. Previously, he worked at Talking Points Memo, The New York Observer, and The Daily, among others. Hunter is a native of Brooklyn, New York. He holds a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University.
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VIDEO: Burning food is not an option.
"Defining hazing is very difficult."
One of the men has been described as the pope's "life long friend."
"Should you see her and end up in conversation, it would be ideal for you to share the following points."
"England. I love that."
Bob Brady sprinkled some of the water on his staff and family.
'The polls speak for themselves. I'm up.'
He's been involved in multiple lawsuits.
Bob Brady sprinkled some of the water on his staff and family.
'The polls speak for themselves. I'm up.'
He's been involved in multiple lawsuits.
He was a potential dark horse.
It says Trump is a "scary prospect" for the GOP.
'People who hold these offensive views are part of Mr. Trump's base.'
It says Trump is a "scary prospect" for the GOP.
Bush's team thinks it undermines Trump's "entire argument."
She attacked from offstage.
The billionaire wants to meet Ahmed Mohamed.
"Are you pooping?"
He hasn't changed one bit.