Business Insider

These People Just Got Filthy Rich From The LinkedIn IPO

ellen levy reid hoffman linkedin
Ellen Levy and Reid Hoffman both made millions (and billions) of dollars today. Ross Mayfield via Flickr

LinkedIn might have gotten screwed out of $130 million, but the early members all did pretty well for themselves.

About 30 people became millionaires today, and a few became billionaires.

We looked through the most recent SEC filing to see how much everyone's shares are worth.

20. Steven Beitzel: ~ $29 million

*Image not available

Number of shares pre-offering: 290,000

Percent of total shares: Less than 1%

What they're worth*: $29,000,000

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

19. Erika Rottenberg (VP, General Counsel & Secretary): ~ $32 million

erika rottenberg linkedin

Number of shares pre-offering: 323,275

Percent of total shares: Less than 1%

What they're worth*: $32,327,500

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

18. David Henke (SVP Operations and Engineering): ~ $34 million

david henke linkedin

Number of shares pre-offering: 336,458

Percent of total shares: Less than 1%

What they're worth*: $33,645,800

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

17. Agiladevi Ramanathan (Principal DBA): ~ $36 million

silhouette shadow
*Image not available Fazen via Flickr

Number of shares pre-offering: 363,917

Percent of total shares: Less than 1%

What they're worth*: $36,391,700

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

16. Ian McNish (Principal Systems Architect and member of founding team): $37 million

ian mcnish linkedin

Number of shares pre-offering: 373,000

Percent of total shares: Less than 1%

What they're worth*: $37,300,000

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

15. Patrick Crane (former VP Marketing): ~ $38 million

patrick crane linkedin

Number of shares pre-offering: 381,226

Percent of total shares: Less than 1%

What they're worth*: $38,122,600

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

14. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc: ~ $43.6 million

Mcgraw hill

Number of shares pre-offering: 435,920

Percent of total shares: Less than 1%

What they're worth*: $43,592,000

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

13. Ellen Levy (VP Strategic Initiatives): ~ $45 million

ellen levy linkedin

Number of shares pre-offering: 450,000

Percent of total shares: Less than 1%

What they're worth*: $45,000,000

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

12. Dipchand "Deep" Nishar (Xoogler, VP of Product Strategy): ~ $50 million

Deep Nishar LinkedIn

Number of shares pre-offering: 498,958

Percent of total shares: Less than 1%

What they're worth*: $49,895,800

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

11. Yan Pujante (software engineer and member of founding team): ~ $79 million

Yan Pujante LinkedIn

Number of shares pre-offering: 785,250

Percent of total shares: Less than 1%

What they're worth*: $78,525,000

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

10. Goldman, Sachs & Co: ~ $87 Million

goldman building during the snow storm BI camera

Number of shares pre-offering: 871,840

Percent of total shares: Less than 1%

What they're worth*: $87,184,000

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

9. Konstantin Guericke (VP of Marketing): ~ $90 million

Konstantin Guericke LinkedIn

Number of shares pre-offering: 901,000

Percent of total shares: 1%

What they're worth*: $90,100,000

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

8. Steven Sordello (CFO): ~ $91 million

Steve Sordello LinkedIn

Number of shares pre-offering: 907,327

Percent of total shares: 1%

What they're worth*: $90,732,700

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

7. Eric Ly (co-founder and former CTO): ~ $136 million

Eric Ly LinkedIn Presdo

Number of shares pre-offering: 1,365,750

Percent of total shares: 1.5%

What they're worth*: $136,575,000

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

6. Jeffrey Weiner (CEO): ~ $203 million

jeff weiner

Number of shares pre-offering: 2,322,726

Percent of total shares: 2.5%

What they're worth*: $203,079,972

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

5. Bain Capital Venture Integral Investors: ~ $370 million

Bain Capital

Number of shares pre-offering: 3,705,318

Percent of total shares: Less than 1%

What they're worth*: $370,531,800

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

4. Bessemer Venture Partners: ~ $458 million

Bessemer Venture Partners

Number of shares pre-offering: 4,578,253

Percent of total shares: 5.1%

What they're worth*: $457,825,300

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

3. David Sze (Greylock Partners): ~ $1.4 billion

David Sze Greylock
David Sze was cofounder of Brience and is now a partner at Greylock.

Number of shares pre-offering: 14,047,978

Percent of total shares: 15.6%

What they're worth*: $1,404,797,800

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

2. Michael Moritz (Sequoia Capital): ~ $1.7 billion

Michael Moritz

Number of shares pre-offering: 16,840,309

Percent of total shares: 18.7%

What they're worth*: $1,684,030,900

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

1. Reid Hoffman: ~ $1.9 billion

Reid Hoffman
LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman wins big.

Number of shares pre-offering: 19,066,032

Percent of total shares: 21.2%

What they're worth*: $1,906,603,200

*Assuming stock trades at $100 per share

Now check out the people who will get rich when Facebook IPOs:

Beast's Facebook fan page

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