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A third of hiring managers don't want to hire older workers or Gen Zers

a gen z remote worker drinking tea and working
Maria Korneeva/Getty Images
  • About one-third of hiring managers in a survey admitted bias against Gen Zers or older candidates.
  • Forty-two percent of managers consider job seekers' ages when reviewing résumés, per Resume Builder.
  • Some career advisors suggest removing the year you graduated from a résumé and LinkedIn profile.

If you're looking for a job and you're a Gen Zer or an older worker, you might be out of luck with some hiring managers.

A survey from Resume Builder found that 36% of hiring managers said they were biased against Gen Z candidates, and 34% said they had concerns about hiring candidates over the age of 60.

Ageism isn't new, of course, though the survey findings are a reminder that even in a strong job market, it can still be tough to land a new gig. Having people discount your abilities because of how young or old you are doesn't help.

"You need to be aware of pitfalls like age bias," Stacie Haller, the chief career advisor at Resume Builder, told Business Insider. "You have to know the landscape you're in."

Resume Builder surveyed a pool of 1,000 hiring managers in March, and 42% of them said age is a factor when going over résumés. To determine a candidate's age, the hiring managers said they've used methods like tallying years of experience, looking for the year someone graduated, and even checking out photos, the survey found.

Delete the year you graduated

Some candidates might choose not to put the year they graduated on their CV, concerned about recruiters doing the math. In the survey, six in 10 hiring managers said job seekers should "always" include the year they graduated, but about four in 10 said candidates sometimes shouldn't or should never include the year.

Some TikTokers who focus on career advice encourage people to remove their graduation years from their résumés so that young candidates avoid getting dinged for not having enough experience and older workers don't get dumped for having too much.

Haller endorses that philosophy. "It matters that you got the degree. Does it matter if you got it last year or 20 years ago? It shouldn't," she said.

Haller added that recruiters determined to weed out groups they don't like can often still find a way, even when job applicants strip their résumés and LinkedIn profiles of indicators like graduation dates. "If you're somebody who really is biased against folks, those people go to Facebook to check you out," she said.

There are federal laws designed to protect workers over 40 from age discrimination. Some states also have provisions meant to shield younger members of the workforce from discriminatory hiring, according to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. But proving bias based on age can be difficult, as BI has previously reported.

The Goldilocks generation

So why are some hiring managers not down with younger or older workers? One reason could be that hiring managers themselves are often from a different generation, Haller said. More than six in 10 survey respondents were between 25 and 44 years old. It's an indication, she said, that these managers, who might be in their first role leading others, could "seem to be biased against everybody younger than them and older than them."

Among the hiring managers who admitted to bias against Gen Z job seekers, more than three-quarters cited younger workers' lack of experience. About six in 10 managers pointed to what they've seen as a tendency among Gen Zers to job-hop. And a similar portion of respondents questioned the work ethic and professionalism of the youngest slice of the workforce.

The reasons given for bias against older workers were nothing new. Three-quarters of respondents were concerned an older worker might soon retire. Nearly two-thirds were worried older candidates would experience health problems, and almost half the hiring managers said they worried that older workers wouldn't have sufficient experience with technology.

Showing up to an interview and looking too old could also be a problem for job applicants. In the survey, four in 10 hiring managers said if a candidate has an "elderly" appearance, they'd be less inclined to consider the applicant. And 36% of hiring managers recommended that candidates over 60 take steps to look younger in interviews.

Barbara Corcoran, a "Shark Tank" judge and a septuagenarian herself, has given similar advice.

Some hiring managers who were surveyed also had advice for younger workers: Try to look older. Nineteen percent of hiring managers said a "youthful appearance" was a turnoff. More than one-third of the hiring managers polled said candidates aged 18 to 27 should "try to appear older during interviews."

Haller said that while bias works against a range of job seekers, Gen Z has a specific challenge because many young people were sidelined early in their careers by the pandemic and may be ill-prepared to enter the workplace. Some started their jobs remotely, which made it harder for them to build skills and nail basics like how to dress in the office.

But, she added, one generation dumping on another is nothing new.

"Every generation gets talked about. The millennials, at one point, were entitled. Nobody wanted to hire them," she said. "And now they're the age group that's biased against everybody else."

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