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How a Gen-Z artist has built a business on TikTok with 40K followers, and how much she earns from the Creator Fund and brand deals

Manasi Arya
Manasi Arya grew her social media following over two years through DIY art. @nivedhamphotography
  • Manasi Arya started posting artwork on Instagram and TikTok after she graduated college.
  • Now she has 40,100 followers on TikTok.
  • Here's how much she's earned so far in 2022 from 3 social-media revenue streams.

On weekdays, 25-year-old Manasi Arya is up at the crack of dawn to make it to the charter school where she works by 7:30 a.m. By 8:00 a.m., she's teaching children from kindergarten and the first grade how to paint and draw. 

It's a long day, but only one of her jobs: On her commute and in between classes, she's busy editing and posting videos to Instagram and TikTok, and brainstorming what content she'll shoot next.

Arya's ArtwithManasi accounts now have 40,100 followers on TikTok and 19,000 followers on Instagram. On the platforms, she documents her line of colorfully painted denim jackets, wall decals, stickers, and more, which feature designs primarily rooted in South Asian culture. 

Art is still the primary focus of her content, but she's branched out in the two years since she began posting, now creating content about fashion, her identity as an Indian-American woman, and dating.

"My biggest concern when I first started was trying to find my place on the internet, but I found that you don't need a niche to be successful," Arya told Insider. "My content is like my personality — multifaceted, with art at the center." 

What started out as a way to showcase and market her art has turned into a business in itself: In the past eight months, Arya has made $10,484 from paid partnerships, Instagram's Creator Incentive Program, and TikTok's Creator Fund, according to documentation verified by Insider.

A lifelong hobby turned into a social media career after college

Growing up in Indiana, Arya took multiple art classes like pottery, charcoal, and oil pastels at the insistence of her mother, who is an artist. 

"Looking back, I didn't embrace it as much as I wanted to, but that was when I really gained the skills to do what I do now," Arya said.

She kept art as a hobby while she studied neuroscience and psychology at Indiana University with the aim of becoming a doctor, but by the time she graduated college in May 2019, she decided medicine wasn't for her. Instead, she applied to Teach for America, and over the next two years, Arya trained to be a kindergarten teacher.

The training involved a lot of arts and crafts given the nature of elementary school classes, and she soon began posting these projects to an art-focused Instagram account that she'd started right after graduating as a way of holding herself accountable to creating art.

At first, she posted photos of the finished products — both her school crafts and what she made in her free time — and then when Reels launched in 2020, she started posting videos that documented how she was creating her art. 

Her content for Reels — popular videos include how to paint jeans and custom graphic drawings — had high levels of engagement, so she turned her attention to TikTok, which she joined in March 2020. Videos like her DIY sticky notes went viral, and the comments section soon became flooded with requests to create similar content and about how others were replicating what she did.

"People really seemed to like videos where I showed how I painted or created something, so I started doing more of that on both Instagram and TikTok," she said. "I felt like I was teaching an online class with every video I posted."

She also started getting requests through Instagram DMs and comments on her TikTok videos from people who wanted to buy her custom art, which inspired her to start an online business. In June 2020, she launched an Etsy store, and in March 2021, she launched an official website — this year, she's made $13,318 selling her art.

She also started to get paid for posting on social media. 

Here's how much she's earned from social media so far this year: 

Revenue Stream  Earnings
Brand deals  $9,000
Instagram's Creator Incentive Program $910
TikTok Creator Fund  $574

At the beginning of 2021, she started getting paid by Instagram's Creator Incentive Program, which pays creators when posts achieve high levels of engagement. Around the same time, she hit 10,000 followers on TikTok and applied for the platform's Creator Fund. 

Most of her social media income this year came from one paid partnership. She earned $9,000 to create one video for DirecTV that was posted on TikTok and Instagram.

Manasi Arya
Manasi Arya's business, ArtWithManasi, is primarily rooted in South Asian culture. @nivedhamphotography

Art is at the center, but Arya's content is now multi-faceted

Arya no longer focuses exclusively on art. Although her videos about art remain popular, she branched out into posting about fashion, identity and representation, and dating.

"Everyone talked to me about how I have to find a niche," she said. "Honestly, you don't have to have one to be successful and make money, just look at what I'm doing." 

In the past, she's worked with brands like Bed Bath and Beyond, Home Depot, and Adobe. Each of these brands reached out because of her focus on DIY art, but she hopes that paid partnerships in the future will focus on other aspects she posts about. 

"Just like every other human, I'm talented in different ways," she said. "Art is the main focus and it always will be, but if you follow me, you're going to get all of me." 

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