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James Franco Keeps Getting Censored By AOL As He Recreates Famous Movie Scenes

james franco
Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

On Wednesday, James Franco kicked off a new project he's been working on with AOL called "Making a Scene with James Franco." The original series, which humorously recreates famous movie scenes, will be rolled out in three batches of short episodes, and Franco helped launch the first three episodes with a live Q&A session.

But despite the fact that Franco was speaking at an AOL event about a series that AOL produced, he did not shy away from criticizing the company.

James Franco original series with AOL
James Franco's new show humorously recreates famous movie scenes. AOL

Throughout the night, Franco kept awkwardly mentioning that AOL was censoring too much material and making it hard for him to show fans what he really wanted to air.

First he brought up a scene he did from "When Harry Met Sally," in which Franco played a female role.

"It’s pretty risqué I guess for AOL, so we’re figuring out how to do a red band version because I do not want to censor it," Franco said.

It came up again when a Twitter fan asked Franco what the craziest thing was that happened on set.

"I guess I can’t talk about it because it’s too dirty for AOL," he answered. "But there’s some stuff that got all over me and my eyes and mouth and everything."

"We’ll see if you guys get to see it or not," he continued. "Maybe the fans can petition AOL not to be so PG."

But he wasn't finished yet.

AOL original series James Franco
James Franco acting out The Godfather in his AOL original series. AOL

When asked about his favorite scenes in the series, Franco said he particularly liked a scene they did from The Godfather but in a "horror slash porn film" genre.

AOL wasn't into it, but that won't stop Franco.

"There’s a moment in there that AOL thinks is a little dirty, but it’s not," he said. "They’re just being ridiculous, but we’ll get that out somehow."

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