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I was born in Athens but spent 11 years living in London. Now that I'm back in Greece, my quality of life is much better.

fani posing under purple flowers growing on the side of a building in athens
I've been back in Athens for almost three years. Fani Mari
  • I was born in Athens, Greece, and I moved to London at 17 to go to university.
  • I stayed there for over a decade, but I was homesick, and I eventually moved back to Greece.
  • There are many differences between the cities I've called home, but Athens is the winner for now.

When I was 17, I moved from Athens to London for university and stayed there for 11 years. But in 2021, it was time to go home.

I'm a freelance writer, so I can pretty much do my work from anywhere in the world. But I'd spent my entire adult life in London, so it was still a difficult decision.

I essentially didn't know what living in Greece was really like anymore.

But now, almost three years later, I can see how much better my quality of life is.

Getting more sun has drastically improved my mood

fani walking along the sand on milos island in greece
Having sun all year round is a complete game changer. Fani Mari

I'm close to the sea in Athens, which I missed in London. I've already swam three times this winter despite the cold water.

The climate is also generally milder in Greece, and even when it's cold, it's usually sunny.

I get seasonal depression and need larger amounts of sunlight to stabilize my mood. Having fewer gray days every year has made a big difference in my day-to-day life.

I forgot how much culture there is around every corner in Greece

the acropolis in downtown athens
I like spending time at museums, galleries, and restaurants. Fani Mari

When most people picture Greek culture, they think of the country's natural beauty and archeological sites, which are both incredible. But it has even more to offer.

The cultural activities are constantly increasing — from the renovated National Gallery and the unique Museum of Cycladic Art to the thriving theater scene. There are also great restaurants and bars.

As someone who used to work in fashion, I miss having my pick of style-focused exhibits to explore in London. But I'm content with all my entertainment options here.

Taking little trips is easier than ever

Although the UK certainly has some nice areas to explore, I've found that I prefer the weekend road trip and getaway options in Greece.

I'm grateful I now get the chance to see places I never had time for when I was just visiting Greece on a two-week holiday.

There's so much to see within driving distance of Athens, from the Meteora rock formation to 100-year-old monasteries, villages, and ancient cities.

In the summer, I try to visit a new island every year and return to my favorites, like Paros, Mykonos, Crete, and Elafonisos.

Being close to family again has greatly improved my life

shot of the sun shining down on athens greece on a cloudy day
Athens is pretty spread out, but I'm still able to regularly see my family and friends. Fani Mari

The biggest pro of moving back to Greece is being close to family and friends in Athens. While living in London, I didn't realize how important that community was to me.

Athens often feels bigger than London, though, and getting around can take longer. I have friends living up to 12 miles away, and that's all considered to be in the main drag of the city.

Luckily, like London, there's a pretty good metro system that has continued to expand over the years. Plus, taxis are relatively cheap.

Overall, life is better for me in Greece

London is and always will be a home to me, but I'm happier in Athens.

Although it was hard to pick up and move my life three years ago, getting to rediscover sunny Greece and spend time with family has absolutely made it worth it.

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