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10 people share the Weight Watchers hacks that helped them stay on track

oatmeal toast breakfast
Weight Watchers could take a bit of getting used to. Flickr/rpavich

Losing weight on any diet can be tough. Weight Watchers might be more manageable for some, but there can still be a steep learning curve.

These people shared some of their favorite, most-used Weight Watchers hacks that helped them to stay on track. Whether you're a WW newbie or a seasoned vet, these Weight Watchers hacks might help you out.

While INSIDER cannot independently verify these stories or the effectiveness of the hacks, they may be useful to read.

"I do a 16-hour fast, then an eight-hour feed."

eating blueberries blueberry fruit vegan
"Basically, I skip breakfast." Shutterstock

"Intermittent fasting. I do a 16-hour fast, then an eight-hour feed. Basically, I skip breakfast. I did this while on point plus where I got 28 daily points. I would eat about 10-12 points for lunch, 10-12 points for dinner and then some snacks in between." — applemus

"Weigh everything you can in grams and then find the tipping point… either up or down."

whole wheat pasta
"I'm just as satisfied and it's one SP less." Stephanie Frey/Shutterstock

"Weigh everything you can in grams and then find the tipping point… either up or down.

"For example, two ounces of whole wheat pasta is four SmartPoints. That's 56 grams. But, if I measure precisely 50 grams, or 49 to be safe, it's only three SPs. I'm just as satisfied and it's one SP less." — anonymous

"I add veggies for no added points."

"I religiously eat SmartOnes for lunch during the work week." Lora Maghen/SpoonUniversity

"I religiously eat SmartOnes for lunch during the work week … I add veggies for no added points. During the summer, I will chop up a couple of fresh tomatoes and add them to the ravioli or spaghetti. Just now I added half a can of green beans to the roast beef and potatoes meal and it was more filling with a little extra body to it!" — hagsville

"One can [of tuna] has zero smart points and lots of protein"

canned tuna fish
"I am a fan of tuna." Amarita/Shutterstock

"I am a fan of tuna. One can has zero smart points and lots of protein." — gruyere_and_bacon

"A Starbucks grande Americano with light water and two pumps of mocha is only three points."

starbucks drink driving coffee cup
"I save eight points by doing this." Joe Raedle/Getty

"A Starbucks grande cafe mocha with nonfat milk and no whipped cream: 11 points

"I morphed that into a cousin. A Starbucks grande Americano with light water and two pumps of mocha is only three points.

"I save eight points by doing this. The difference? My drink has three shots of espresso and is made with water, while the original has two shots and is made with milk." — scottkleinberg

"I've been adding [protein powder] to my coffee"

cup of coffee
" ... it gives you that sweet creaminess that creamer does without all of the sugar and fat." Flickr/dtron.

"[I suggest this for] anyone who really likes a sweet drink. I've been adding [protein powder] to my coffee. You don't need a lot, but it gives you that sweet creaminess that creamer does without all of the sugar and fat. Plus, you get more protein in!" — senine

"[When dining out,] I would encourage blowing all your weeklies."

restaurant interior eating out dining out
"In my opinion, this is exactly what weeklies are for — to set limits." Marc Mueller/Getty

"[When dining out,] I would encourage blowing all your weeklies.

"To me, WW is about sustainable change. Is it sustainable to limit yourself to eating low point foods when your friends are going out to breweries for the rest of your life?

"In my opinion, this is exactly what weeklies are for — to set limits. So, you won't have enough weeklies to go out for drinks with friends every single day but you can allow yourself flexibility for nights like those." — Coffeegobbler

"[Eat] a zero point snack before you go out."

"[Decide] how many drinks you'll have ahead of time." Al_HikesAZ/Flickr

"Some people recommending eating a zero point snack before you go out, deciding how many drinks you'll have ahead of time (and alternating them with water), and be the first to order food so that you're not swayed by others' choices." — pangloss_summers


"When I get home from the grocery store, I immediately clean, de-stem and chop fruits and veggies "

"This helps me reach for strawberries, peppers, or cucumbers instead of some other convenient snack." NatalieMaynor/Flickr

"When I get home from the grocery store, I immediately clean, de-stem and chop fruits and veggies. This helps me reach for strawberries, peppers, or cucumbers instead of some other convenient snack." — Imsogreedy

"I can just grab a bag of cereal and know it's already pre-portioned."

"Also, I always ask if restaurants can do fruit as a side." wsilver/Flickr

"Every once in a while I crave cereal, so when I get a box from the store I portion out the serving sizes I want into baggies and stuff the bags back in the box. This way I can just grab a bag of cereal and know it's already pre-portioned.

"Also, I always ask if restaurants can do fruit as a side. A lot of the time it's not listed as a side on the adult menu ... but most of the time restaurants are fine with it." — Meginsanity

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