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I ate and worked out using Chris Hemsworth's app for a week, and while it was perfect for lockdown, it would be impractical for normal life

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Centr provided a complete lifestyle guide including workouts, meal plans, meditations, and blog posts. Jacob Sarkisian
  • I tried Chris Hemsworth's fitness and wellbeing app Centr, which he has made free for six weeks while people around the world are advised to stay at home.
  • I stuck completely to the strict meal plans and daily workouts generated by putting in my measurements, goals, and preferences.
  • The personalised workouts were great, and the recorded sessions felt like I had a personal trainer keeping me motivated.
  • The meal plans and recipes, however, although very healthy, were often quite bland and expensive.
  • Centr also features blog posts, nutrition tips, coronavirus advice, podcasts, and meditations — it really is a lifestyle app rather than simply a workout plan or meal plan.
  • Ultimately, the varied workouts and structure that the daily and weekly plans gave me made Centr ideal to use while in lockdown, but it would be impractical to use in every day life.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Chris Hemsworth made his fitness and wellbeing app Centr free for six weeks during the coronavirus lockdown. I decided that during my own self-isolation, I'd take on the challenge of doing the personalised workout and meal plan for seven days.

Centr works by generating a personalised, daily workout and meal plan based on two sets of details the user puts in when signing up for the service — measurements and goals, and preferences. I chose a regular diet plan (meaning I eat meat and have no allergies), chose a workout intensity of intermediate (the middle of three), and set my goals to get fit and toned, though you can also choose to lose weight or build muscle, too.

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The workouts varied greatly day to day, and they have a catalogue of hundreds of exercises, too. Jacob Sarkisian

These details then generated my daily plan, and it was far more extensive and detailed than I anticipated. Not only do you get daily workouts, and three meal plans, but you also get blog posts and meditations, too.

The blog posts vary from evergreen content like "8 nutrition tips to (finally) get a decent sleep" to must-read topical posts like "The essential guide to Centr during COVID-19."

Meanwhile, the meditations are presented as short "podcasts" — five to 10-minute recordings of soothing music and a calming voice guiding you through the meditations, all of which follow themes such as "sleep visualization: floating on clouds" and "meditation: be kind to yourself."

These blog posts and meditations vary greatly and aren't just reused repetitively. They are updated and refreshed constantly, and it's content like this that makes Centr feel much more immersive and personal. This isn't just a light workout plan with a couple of recipes, it is an entire lifestyle that Centr is offering, and it is a service rich with content. Here's what I thought after a week.

The workouts were good, and got me doing exercises I've never done before

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I enjoyed the HIIT work outs the most. Jacob Sarkisian

I am definitely guilty of only sticking to the workouts and exercises that I know, so this app was excellent at offering a wide variety of different workouts. You got one main workout a day and, on some days, got an extra, shorter workout set, too. They ranged from pilate workouts to MMA exercises, to HIIT workouts, muscle building, boxing, HIRT strength, endurance and stamina training, and core exercises. 

I was surprised at the number of different workouts and, over the week, you get a nice variety of different workouts, but you can also swap out the workout if you fancy picking your own one. I haven't counted, but there are well over a hundred to choose from.

The workouts are recorded videos, lasting the entire length of the workout as different trainers take you through each exercise and do them with you. This is a nice idea, and much more enjoyable than simply following a written plan. You almost feel like you have your own personal trainer, and, depending on the trainer, it is very, very motivating.

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You follow the trainers' work outs in recorded videos that last the entire length of the work out itself. Jacob Sarkisian

I say depending on the trainer because there were a few trainers who weren't as vocal and as others. I preferred trainers like Luke Zocchi, who was constantly encouraging and really got the most out of me during his HIIT HIRT workouts. If you prefer quieter trainers who you can just workout along with but listen to your music, they're available, too. The great thing about Centr is that it personalizes the plan for you, but you can also tweak it yourself if you like. It is very flexible, and there are enough workouts to never get bored.

I had never done a boxing or MMA workout, before, for instance, and while I truly learned how little rhythm I have, I now have a much higher appreciation for the art of boxing/MMA. My form for individual exercises has also greatly improved, and Zocchi in particular really helped me to see the workouts as a mental workout as well a physical one. He pushed me so much that I realized I can accomplish more in my workouts than I usually do. It's a mindset.

The workouts are every day, but you get a good mixture of light workouts and intense ones. There are loads of workouts here that will leave you dripping with the sweat by the end, and you will feel like you've really had to work hard to complete it.

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I used a resistance band instead of weights when the exercises called for equipment I didn't have. Jacob Sarkisian

One thing I was worried about was my lack of equipment. I don't have any weights where I am staying — only a resistance band and mat. Thankfully, however, a lot of workouts were equipment-less, and even the ones that did feature equipment were mostly designed so they could be completed with replacements or without equipment at all, which was very useful.

Unfortunately, the recipes were mostly bland

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This lentil and broccoli salad with tahini dressing, and salmon frittata were healthy but disappointingly bland. Jacob Sarkisian

However, I wasn't as impressed with the other half of Centr's main programme. For each day, you get three meal plans: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and are assigned specific recipes to follow for each (though you can swap these out like the workouts if you want to).

They were very healthy recipes, and they felt healthy when you were eating them. Unfortunately, a lot of the recipes I used lacked flavor, which is a terrible shame as too often healthy foods are accused of being bland when they don't have to be and, often, aren't.

It's a misconception that I do think the recipes in Centr would add to. I tried to stick to the recipes as faithfully as possible at first but by the end I was tweaking them and adding my twists to try add a bit more flavour.

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An expensive but tasty, and filling, smoothie. Jacob Sarkisian

The other common problem with healthy foods is that they are often very expensive, and the recipes here are no different. For example, I chose to stick with the same breakfast smoothie every day to limit costs. Otherwise, I would have spent a lot more and also would have bought a lot more items that I just wouldn't otherwise use.

The smoothie in question was raspberry coconut, and included ingredients such as coconut water, coconut yogurt, protein powder, chia seeds, frozen raspberries, and a banana. It was delicious, but pricey. It's also impractical, as well as expensive, to buy so much fresh produce so often.

But they did stop me from snacking completely

However, all three meals were so filling and so full of good, natural energy that they completely put a halt to my craving to snack, which I usually get very easily. I wasn't hungry in between meals, even with the workouts I was doing, and I just felt no desire to snack at all.

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The "gingerbread bliss balls" were a pretty good snack. Jacob Sarkisian

Centr does have a tab full of snack recipes, however, and some of them were surprisingly indulgent (chocolate truffles, Apple pie and cream, Gingerbread loaf). Despite not feeling snackish, I thought I should try at least one snack recipe, so I tried a common one on the list: "bliss balls," which are energy balls that you don't cook or bake, and came in many different flavour variations. I chose to do the gingerbread version, and they were quick and easy to make, and actually pretty damn tasty. Especially with a cup of tea.

It helped give me structure for my daily quarantine life

The extensive content and clear, manageable workouts combined with the three specific meal plans for each day gave me the sort of daily and weekly structure that is so important during times like these. It would be easy to feel rudderless, and drift away into a cycle of patternless, unproductive days.

But the plans that Centr gave me became the skeleton of my day, giving each a day, at the very least, clear, managable goals that were easy to get into a routine of doing but also felt varied enough to step the pattern from becoming stale.

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The daily workouts gave me a great routine that I actually looked forward to. Jacob Sarkisian

And, although there were no physical changes to my body — there were never going to be; it was just a week, after all — I did feel more and more energized with each day, which is down to the routine that Centr gave me as well as the good fuel I was putting into my body and the intense workouts I was completing.

I can't imagine it being practical in normal life

This is really the catch, isn't it? It's all well and good that this workout and meal plan was largely successful during this unique and temporary time, but it needs to work just as well once we get back to our normal lives, which I don't think it would.

I have much more free time while self-isolating, to work out and cook, and I am able to experiment a little more and try out new things, but once the rush of everyday life comes back, I won't have time in the day to carry out the Centr routine as fully or effectively. It will just be impractical, to explicitly stick to the three meal plans, and to complete the workouts every single day of the week.

Centr really is a lifestyle plan, so once we get back to our regular lifestyles, I think it will be pretty hard to balance my usual lifestyle and the one that Centr proposes.

Centr was an enjoyable and often enlightening experiment that has proven to be great in the short term to help structure my days with routines during self-isolation but, in the long term, it won't be sustainable. Not for me, anyway.

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