Business Insider

AT&T Just Apologized For Promoting A Phone In A Sept. 11 Memorial Tweet

AT&T paid tribute to 9/11 today on its Twitter account with an image of a Blackberry Z10 taking a photo of the two columns of light at Ground Zero.

at&t twitter 9/11
Twitter @ATT


Although the branding on the phone has been stripped from the image (and the only reference to AT&T is the Twitter handle), many people in the Twitterverse have tweeted strong, negative reactions:

AT&T 9/11

AT&T's ad agency, BBDO, did not respond immediately to a request for comment, but the company's Twitter handle quickly apologized to anyone who thought that the image was in poor taste:

att apology 9/11
Twitter @ATT

The photo was on Instagram and Facebook as well.

Of course, AT&T isn't the only company to tweet about September 11.

Brands from Chick 'Fil-A to Marc Jacobs have also paid tribute on social media. Although AT&T's tweet does also feature a phone that the company sells, making it more branded than a simple message of remembrance.

In the current marketing landscape, brands often tweet about significant news and cultural events. The question is if said social media reactions capitalize or not.

Here's how other brands have reacted to 9/11 on Twitter:

9/11 brand twitter
9/11 brand twitter chick fil a
9/11 brand twitter nascar
9/11 brand twitter
9/11 brand twitter

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